Reclaim Your Desktop with HAT Collective E2

The HAT Collective E2 monitor arms are an excellent addition to any workspace, providing a sleek and functional ergonomic solution for mounting your monitors. These arms are designed to maximize your desktop space and offer full adjustability to help you achieve the optimal viewing angle for your monitors. With an easy-to-install design and a durable construction, these monitor arms are a practical and stylish addition to any workspace, helping you to improve your comfort, productivity, and overall work experience.

HAT Collective – E2

An evolution in ergonomics. Introducing “E2”, the next generation of the original Envoy monitor arm. E2 offers a polished design with maximum flexibility for user screen interaction. With a recent study citing 24% of workers experience neck pain, the E2 seeks to optimize user performance and adjustment control while eliminating the strain on neck muscles.

HAT Collective – E2 Connex

The E2 Connex monitor arm is designed to enhance interactions between you and your technology. With E2 Connex, you can add or remove monitors without compromising your original configuration. Choose between static or dynamic arms or add sliders for fine-tuned monitor adjustment. Easy to install, easy to change up, and easy to accessorize, the E2 Connex monitor arm helps to build a complete, individualized workspace.

HAT Collective – E2 Connex Static

The E2 Connex monitor arm is designed to enhance interactions between you and your technology. With E2 Connex, you can add or remove monitors without compromising your original configuration. Choose between static or dynamic arms or add sliders for fine-tuned monitor adjustment. Easy to install, easy to change up, and easy to accessorize, the E2 Connex monitor arm helps to build a complete, individualized workspace.

Contact us today to reclaim your workspace with E2 by HAT Collective

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